How Do I Respond to and Engage with LinkedIn Connection Requests?
If you engage on LinkedIn, most likely you receive Connection Requests from individuals you don’t know. It’s important to plan and implement your LinkedIn Strategy to decide how to respond. I am interested in connecting with like-minded, like-hearted individuals, who include a photo, about section, and experience based upon my Target Market, Networking, and Power […]
How do I Leverage the Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction provides the opportunity for us to think about and visualize our WHY, who we are, what we want, and who we want to engage with. You must first accomplish something mentally before you can achieve it physically. When you start with WHY to drive success, you have the opportunity to be […]
How do I write the About Section of my LinkedIn Profile?
The “About” section of your LinkedIn profile provides the opportunity for you to share your story with a Call to Action. It should be written in the 1 st person in short paragraphs for easy reading. Consider drafting and finalizing your summary based upon these five areas. It should be exciting and inspire others to […]
How Do I Ask for a One-on-One Meeting?
Choosing to meet for a one-on-one provides us with the opportunity to learn more about one another for mutual benefit. Through collaboration we can potentially become customers, clients, power partners, or raving fans, refer one another, work with, for, and on behalf of mutual clients, share and implement best practices, etc. The possibilities are endless […]
Why and How do I create a Strategic Business Framework?
I help clients with branding and re-branding because it’s essential to be purposeful and strategic by creating your Strategic Business Framework to drive marketing and sales success. Strategic Business Planning creates your brand to articulate your Vision, the “WHY” of the organization, Core Values based upon absolutes that drive decision making, your Mission, the WHAT […]
How do I Keep my Google and Online Branding Consistent?
Along with Google, there are multiple online platforms that capture your contact information. Even if you aren’t “on or using” Yelp, Manta, etc., it is essential that your contact information is correct across all digital platforms. Plan a time in your calendar, every 6 months or yearly, to Google your individual name, your business name, […]
How do I Prepare for Networking Events?
To effectively grow your business, your networking must be consistent, strategic, focused, and measured. With all the virtual and now some face-to-face networking opportunities, choosing the right groups and events is essential. It’s an investment of your time, energy, and dollars, so you should be planning for a return, benefit, or gain, while bringing value […]
WHY and HOW do I create my Vision Statement?
Your Vision inspires YOU, your strategy, and success! While I know we like to jump right into marketing our business, it will make your branding, marketing, prospecting, and sales process so much easier when you are inspired by your Vision. One of the reasons that we put off creating our Vision is because we want […]
How do I Develop my Competitive Edge?
The Top 3 reasons to Develop Your Competitive Edge: Articulate the problems you solve . . . value you bring . . . why do business with you Competitive Edge statements can be repurposed throughout your marketing and sales process Provides the opportunity for your customers to buy and clients to engage Have you ever […]
How do I share my Value on a Scope of Work or Proposal?
When creating a Scope of Work or Proposal for a client, it should be all about them. Consider beginning with their Priorities and then outlining their Focus and Goal areas along with the Result and Outcomes they will achieve. Then you can share the Deliverables and Statement of Work with the Investment. Finally, you can […]