How Do I Invite People to Subscribe to My Email List or Newsletter?

Meeting someone at a networking event or connecting with someone on LinkedIn, does not mean you have permission to add them to your email blasts or newsletters. Per the CAN-SPAM Act, subscribers must opt-in or give permission to be added to your email marketing list. Be meaningful and purposeful with your invitations based upon offering […]

Why should I stop “spending” time and start “investing” time?

In our rapidly changing, time-conscious world, we are forced to get more done, with fewer people, in less time. The quantity of time will not change. There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. What needs to change is our perception of time and how […]

How Do I Ask for a Recommendation or Testimonial?

It’s essential to create a process for asking a customer for a recommendation and making it easy for a client to share a testimonial. If someone casually makes a recommendation or testimonial as you are chatting, ask if you can record their thoughts on your phone. Download a Voice Recorder and be prepared to capture […]

How do you describe the characteristics of a LEADER?

L – Listen . . . And more specifically active listening, so we ensure authentic communication and understanding! E – Empower . . . I invest my time and energy in empowering individuals and organizations to be successful! How are you maximizing individual, team, and organizational potential? A – Accountable . . . Creating clear […]

How do I Create my 30-Second Commercial?

Here are best practices for developing your 30-second commercial. Keep it to 4 lines. Be clear, concise, confident, and enthusiastic! Begin with your Name and CompanyLisa Heintzelman with Illuminations Consulting State your big result (so we want to know more or wonder how you do that)I invest my time and energy in empowering individuals and […]

Why Should I Set Goals?

While some might think that setting goals is not necessary or a waste of time, Goal Setting AND Achieving, as I like to say it, is essential to develop personal and professional habits. Goal planning helps you identify and overcome barriers and obstacles. so you can proactively create routines, accomplish tasks, and achieve results. Consider […]

What are best practices for prospecting pre and post COVID-19?

One of my networking partners asked about prospecting ideas for pre and post COVID-19. Prospecting is all about Making an Introduction and Gaining Favorable Attention. Dropping by businesses and scheduling face-to-face meetings is off the table now. Virtual networking, phone calls, email marketing, and direct mail are booming! People are available for phone calls, checking […]

How do I Introduce a Referral by Email?

Making a warm introduction to refer a networking or strategic partner by email is an essential process in your business development. Here is a template that you can personalize based upon your relationship with each individual. Be as specific as possible to streamline the strategic referral process. Subject Line: Business Name, Business Name, & Illuminations […]

Have You Checked the Links on Your Website Lately?

When I meet individuals at networking events or through social media, I add their information to my contacts, explore their website, and send them an email to set up a meeting. Sometimes I must include this in my message . . . “As I was exploring your website, and clicked on your Facebook page, it […]

How Can I Grow My Business through Public Speaking?

All business owners should be ready to share a Business Spotlight or facilitate an Educational Marketing conversation during networking events or speaking engagements.  These are opportunities for you to highlight a topic or share a best practice to showcase your expertise and business. Being clear and concise in your presentation is essential. With a focus […]