“Discovering Wants and Needs”, the third step in the Buying/Selling Process, is the opportunity to ask questions and explore topics to uncover how you can support a potential client. I welcome the opportunity for that initial one-on-one meeting to learn about the individual and their business. I am genuinely curious about WHY individuals do WHAT […]
Navigating the Bright Shiny Objects of Marketing
I LOVE hearing about the WHY and passion of service, relationship-based business owners. You are excited to empower, support, educate, engage (and a host of other powerful action words) as you bring value to the individuals, families, businesses, teams, communities, and stakeholders you serve. You are consultative, rather than transactional, in your practice as you […]
Increase Your Business by 1% per Month to Grow 12% in a Year
As we Wrap-Up the 1 st half of 2022 and Kick-Off the 2 nd half, what are your plans to grow by December 2022? We all have different relationships with goals, numbers, metrics, etc. Even if you don’t like numbers, consider this math. If you increase your business by 1% each month, you will grow […]
Stop Multitasking to Be Efficient, Effective, and Productive
While I thought that I was good at multitasking, I realized I was confusing multitasking with being aware of the big picture, my surroundings, and specific details. How many times do you let yourself get interrupted by notifications on your phone or computer, while writing your blog and deciding to “quickly” respond to an email, […]
Be Clear and Concise in Your Messaging
Two years ago, I lost my mom, Nancy Peck, who was significant in developing me as a writer with a focus on being clear, concise, and having a strong close. Today, my significant other, William Bopp, is my proofreader. He suggested that I write about the importance of being clear and concise in your messaging. […]
Facebook Groups: A Way to Connect with your Audience
To develop your Social Media Strategy, it’s essential to identify, “What’s your WHY for engaging on Facebook?” based upon your Target Market and Competitive Edge. Facebook Groups provide a place for individuals with similar interests to connect, share content, provide education, discuss topics, etc. You can customize the privacy settings and rules for your Group […]
What are your Core Values?
Throughout life we define and reflect upon our value. Your personal beliefs, strengths, communication, and behaviors express your Core Values. In today’s global economy, Core Values set the tone of your business. Values represent your priorities and culture ~ what it looks like, feels like, sounds like to engage with you and your organization. Core […]
VISION = Branding, Marketing, Prospecting, & Sales SUCCESS!
Strategic Business Planning is essential to articulate your Vision, the “WHY” of your organization. Live your Vision to accomplish your goals and achieve the results YOU desire! Brainstorming is the best way to create your Vision Statement. Your Vision is based upon your WHY (Purpose, life, passion, dreams, heart, story, beliefs, inspiration, drive, motivation, strengths). […]
Time Management is an Oxymoron!
In our rapidly changing, time-conscious world, we are forced to get more done, with fewer people, in less time. The quantity of time will not change. There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. What needs to change is our perception of time and how […]
Create a Beginning and End of Day Routine to Feel a Sense of Accomplishment
I often have up to 8 meetings or events per day scheduled in my calendar such as coaching sessions with clients, networking events, business meetings to Discover Wants and Needs, and tasks I want to accomplish. My morning routine consists of opening the Working Copy documents for my clients, opening the emails for the links […]