Two years ago, I lost my mom, Nancy Peck, who was significant in developing me as a writer with a focus on being clear, concise, and having a strong close. Today, my significant other, William Bopp, is my proofreader. He suggested that I write about the importance of being clear and concise in your messaging.
In business, we have many opportunities to share written messages to enhance our brand awareness, marketing strategy, and sales process. You might need to create your bio, 30-second commercial, website, blog, online profiles, speaking engagement one-pagers, video scripts, promos for events, proposals, presentations, meeting agendas, etc. All of these need an introduction, your key points, and a strong close with a Call to Action.
- Your introduction should motivate me to read on.
- Your key points should be clear and concise in your readers point of view. It’s about your
audience, not about you. Avoid unnecessary jargon. - Your Call to Action should inspire me to think, wonder, ask a question with a sense of
urgency to call, click, sign up, etc. What do you want your reader to do?
There are 4 simple steps to have your power words and phrases at your fingertips for any written content
you may need. Create your Strategic Business Framework . . .
- Vision ~ the “WHY” of your organization and what you want to become
- Core Values ~ based upon absolutes that drive decision making
- Mission ~ the WHAT and HOW, with identified critical goals and action steps
- Competitive Edge ~ the value you bring . . . problems you solve . . . why do
business with you, as you engage with individuals, families, businesses, teams,
communities, strategic partners, and stakeholders to drive marketing and sales
Creating and utilizing these power words and phrases keeps you from rambling on unnecessarily, while
enhancing your efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity! Let’s plan a time to chat about how you are
creating clear, concise, and effective message.
Work Smart . . . Achieve Results . . . Celebrate Often!