“Discovering Wants and Needs”, the third step in the Buying/Selling Process, is the opportunity to ask questions and explore topics to uncover how you can support a potential client.  I welcome the opportunity for that initial one-on-one meeting to learn about the individual and their business.  I am genuinely curious about WHY individuals do WHAT […]

VISION = Branding, Marketing, Prospecting, & Sales SUCCESS!

Strategic Business Planning is essential to articulate your Vision, the “WHY” of your organization.  Live your Vision to accomplish your goals and achieve the results YOU desire!   Brainstorming is the best way to create your Vision Statement.  Your Vision is based upon your WHY (Purpose, life, passion, dreams, heart, story, beliefs, inspiration, drive, motivation, strengths).  […]

How do I share my Value on a Scope of Work or Proposal?

When creating a Scope of Work or Proposal for a client, it should be all about them. Consider beginning with their Priorities and then outlining their Focus and Goal areas along with the Result and Outcomes they will achieve. Then you can share the Deliverables and Statement of Work with the Investment. Finally, you can […]

Your STRATEGY = Branding, Prospecting, Marketing, and Sales SUCCESS!

Launching a business is based upon your WHY, purpose, and passion! People care more about WHY you do WHAT you do and the problems you solve and value you bring. It’s not all about your products or services as we buy the result, outcome, or benefit. Consider, you don’t really need a shovel, but you […]