What’s your Process for turning Prospects into Clients?

As I meet potential clients through networking, LinkedIn, speaking engagements, referrals, etc., I schedule a time to meet in person or over the phone to learn about their business, target market, competitive edge, marketing, and sales process, how they invest their time, plan their schedule, focus on leadership, communication, teaming, and their overall priorities.
That Discovering Wants & Needs conversation often leads to . . . I need you, how can you help me, what are the next steps?  I share my STAR Model with them and refer back to our conversation relating to strategy, process, structure, people, motivation, leadership, customer loyalty, and results all with a focus on being efficient, effective, and productive. 
Based upon their interest and needs, we schedule another meeting so I can review my notes and create a Scope of Work with recommendations for the next steps. Generally, I work with my clients, individually or as a team, on a weekly basis to explore and implement best practices and then monthly as an Accountability Partner. 
How are you Discovering Wants & Needs and Making Recommendations to Gain Commitment?

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