If you choose to invest your time and energy in networking, the follow-up or “next steps”, as I like to call it, is essential.
Because you don’t know if someone will become your client, power partner, strategic referral partner, raving fan, etc., your priority should include having a conversation or at least connecting across social media platforms to continue developing a relationship.
Planning for your networking will make it easy to implement next steps. Brainstorm: What’s Your WHY for Engaging in Networking based upon your Business Goals. If your WHY is to meet interesting people, make introductions to potential clients, or gain favorable attention with possible power partners, then the next step is to invite them to connect on LinkedIn, sign up for their newsletter, plan a time for a one-on-one to learn more about one another and your businesses, etc.
Networking is not a drive-by activity, it’s about Making an Introduction and Gaining Favorable Attention. Commit to engaging and Have FUN! What’s your Call to Action and Next Steps?