How are you investing your time and energy in activities to achieve the results YOU desire?
If you are . . .
✓ Great at your craft and specialty
✓ Passionate about solving problems and bringing value
✓ Frustrated with your marketing engagement
✓ Don’t like to or want to “sell”
✓ Not loving your follow-up process
✓ And definitely don’t want to leave dollars and opportunity on the table
Let’s plan a time to chat today!
Hear from Sajad Abid Husain of Cause & Effect Consulting and Host of Polarizing Networking and Mini Shark Tank.
How are you investing your time and energy in activities to achieve the results YOU Desire?
Success is a journey, not a destination. I am inspired to pursue my passion and live my vision to “talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk” while maximizing individual, team, and organizational potential as a Business, Sales, and Leadership Coach. Optimizing Your SUCCESS!
As a lifelong learner, I would not be where I am today without having the opportunity to learn from leaders, mentors, and coaches who continually inspire and challenge me. Thank you!
How would you like to Work Smart . . . Achieve Results . . . Celebrate Often?
Efficient, Effective, Productive
Personal, Professional, Business, Organizational
Reflect, Recharge, Have FUN!
Purpose > Planning > Prioritizing > People > Processes > Productivity > Profits
Thank you, Kelly Waltman, of SLR Leadership for the opportunity to chat about “STRATEGY for Business & Leadership SUCCESS!” tips and best practices during your Courage Leadership Academy LIVE! Creating a strategy and developing a competitive edge sets the tone for you to work both “IN” and “ON” your business!
How are you investing your time and energy in activities to achieve the results YOU desire?
To effectively grow your business, your message must be consistent, strategic, and focused.
We all hear . . . get out there and network!
Why and how are you investing your time and energy in maximizing your 30-second commercial?
If you are frustrated with your 30-Second Commercial and want to create a WOW factor to “Make an Introduction” and “Gain Favorable Attention” that inspires individuals to schedule one-on-ones and refer you, let’s plan a time to chat!
What if you could craft your 30-second commercial based upon your WHY, business goals, target market, and competitive edge?
How would you like to share WHY you do WHAT you do and HOW you do it with WHOM?
What if you could develop relationships by sharing value during networking events?
How would you like to leverage connections and become Strategic Referral Power Partners?
What if you could close your introduction with a “Call to Action” to “Gain Favorable Attention” and earn the opportunity for a one-on-one?
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