Increase Your Business by 1% per Month to Grow 12% in a Year

As we Wrap-Up the 1 st half of 2022 and Kick-Off the 2 nd half, what are your plans to grow by December 2022? We all have different relationships with goals, numbers, metrics, etc. Even if you don’t like numbers, consider this math. If you increase your business by 1% each month, you will grow […]
It’s time to get “busy” with your “busi”ness!

In our rapidly changing, time-conscious world, we are forced to get more done, with fewer people, in less time. The quantity of time will not change. There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. What needs to change is our perception of time and how […]
Why and How do I create a Strategic Business Framework?

I help clients with branding and re-branding because it’s essential to be purposeful and strategic by creating your Strategic Business Framework to drive marketing and sales success. Strategic Business Planning creates your brand to articulate your Vision, the “WHY” of the organization, Core Values based upon absolutes that drive decision making, your Mission, the WHAT […]
How do I Keep my Google and Online Branding Consistent?

Along with Google, there are multiple online platforms that capture your contact information. Even if you aren’t “on or using” Yelp, Manta, etc., it is essential that your contact information is correct across all digital platforms. Plan a time in your calendar, every 6 months or yearly, to Google your individual name, your business name, […]
STRATEGY Power Sessions for SUCCESS! Best Practice Tip of the Week: Insights & Take-aways

With inspiration from Kelly Johnson of Kelly Johnson Photography, during an interview in her “Ask the Expert” series, I launched, “STRATEGY Power Sessions for SUCCESS!”, a Best Practices & Accountability Partner Group with a focus on Making It HAPPEN! It’s a group for Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Commissioned Professionals, Direct Sales, and Network Marketers to […]
How Can I Grow My Business through Public Speaking?

All business owners should be ready to share a Business Spotlight or facilitate an Educational Marketing conversation during networking events or speaking engagements. These are opportunities for you to highlight a topic or share a best practice to showcase your expertise and business. Being clear and concise in your presentation is essential. With a focus […]
How to Hire a Virtual Assistant?

Planning is essential to find the right virtual assistant. If you have tasks that you don’t like or could be done more efficiently or effectively by someone else, it may be time to hire an assistant or engage with a subcontractor. How are you investing your time and energy-based upon your passion, expertise, and motivation? […]
Networking Strategies for SUCCESS!

We all hear . . . get out there and network! How do your networking efforts align with your business goals? To effectively grow your business, your networking must be consistent, strategic, focused, and measured. Why and how are you investing your time & energy in networking and planning for next steps? Choose to take […]